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Assert on an Exception


Sometimes the expected outcome of a test run, is that the test run will fail. A test run fails because of a technical error, or because an assert failed. See also: How to deal with a failed test run.

Because of this, it is not possible to assert that the test run will fail due a technical error.

However it is possible to use a custom error flow in the microflow where the error is likely to occur, and have Mendix generate validation feedback in that custom error flow.

Take a look at this simple microflow that calls a REST service:

REST call

If the REST call fails, the microflow will throw an Exception. If the microflow is called from MTA, the test run will fail with a technical error, stop executing, and any data generated in the test case will be rolled back.

To assert that the REST call will fail, first change the microflow with a custom error flow that includes a validation message action:

REST call

Now it is possible to assert on the validation message containing, for example, an HTTP Status Code 500.


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Last updated 5 March 2024