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Release 2.6.0

Release date

17 April 2024

Supported Mendix versions

Menditect supports the Mendix Long-Term Support Version (LTS) and Medium-Term Support Version (MTS).
Read more about MTS/LTS versions at Mendix docs:
For support levels on MTS/LTS and monthly releases, read the SLA.

See what's new!

Highlights in this release

  • MTA integration with Mendix Studio Pro via the Menditect Call Hierarchy Extension!
    View the installation guide here.
  • Significant performance improvement in test runs.
  • Added much requested option to Duplicate a teststep.
  • Loads of refactoring done.

New functionality

New functionalityFor the process of adding a new Application to MTA, the Mendix user is now authorized using a Personal Access Token (PAT). We have removed the API Key from the Mendix User in MTA. All communication with Mendix is now secured via PAT's.
Release actionsCreate a new PAT and select these scopes:
- mx:deployment:read
- mx:modelrepository:repo:read.
Enter this PAT into MTA.
Delete the old one.

New functionalityWe have released the Menditect Call Hierarchy Extension. With this extension, the entire call hierarchy of a single Microflow can be viewed in Mendix Studio Pro. The extension also allows for test generation from Studio Pro, whereby a Test Case is created to execute a microflow, and setting all necessary parameters.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityImproved the performance of test runs, reducing the execution time up to 40%.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityIt is now possible to duplicate a "Create" teststep, allowing the creation of multiple objects of the same entity in the same Test Case, without having to use Data Variation and persist each object one-by-one.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityReplaced the CI/CD v2 /rest/cicd/v2 endpoints by the new Public API /rest/mta/api endpoints.

Changes are:
- a new base URL for this Public API
- added GET testsuites and GET testcases endpoints
- added GET testsuiteruns and GET testcaseruns endpoint
- added GET applications endpoint
- added GET testconfiguration adapt status endpoint
- added GET testrun archive endpoint
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityIt is now possible to customize the time slot where MTA runs scheduled events to cleanup data and verify internal data consistency.
Release actionsThe default time slot to run internal scheduled events is between midnight (00:00) UTC and 04:00 AM. This can be adjusted to accomodate with another timezone, by changing the "ScheduledEventsOffsetUTC" constant. The format is an integer, where 0 is the default value, 12 is the maximum value, and -12 is the minimum value.

New functionalityRemoved the MtaDocVersion constant that was used to link to the correct MTA version in the documentation site. The correct MTA version is now derived from the release version that is also shown on the top-right in MTA.
Release actionsNone: the constant will be automatically removed upon deployment.

New functionalityIt is now possible to copy values from a String Unlimited attribute to the clipboard.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityChanged the page element that shows if a Test Configuration is adapting from a button to a text element with a spinner icon.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityThe first teststep in the Test Case no longer has an option to Move it Up. The last teststep in the Test Case no longer has an option to Move it Down.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityWhen creating a Delete Teststep, the popup is automatically shown where the source teststep must be selected.
Release actionsNone.

New functionalityRemoved the MTA Manager "Mendix users" page. Only the logged in user can enter their Mendix user credentials.
Release actionsNone.

Bug fixes

ProblemAn attribute that is not either assigned a value, or used in an assert, led to construction errors, whenever a Test Configuration was adapted to a revision, where that attribute was deleted.
SolutionAn attribute that is not either assigned a value, or used in an assert, no longer leads to construction errors, whenever a Test Configuration is adapted to a revision, where that attribute is deleted.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemAn error occured leading to a broken session whenever two users simultaneously used the Add Test Configuration wizard.
SolutionUsing the the Add Test Configuration wizard no longer leads to errors when two users are using it simultaneously.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemAn error occured when clicking Cancel after selecting an Application Revision in the Add Test Configuration wizard.
SolutionClicking Cancel after selecting an Application Revision in the Add Test Configuration wizard, closes the wizard.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemValues in the data variation pages were not refreshed after dismissing a construction error shown in the page.
SolutionValues in the data variation pages are now refreshed automatically.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemCopying a Test Suite from a Test Configuration that is linked to more than 1 Mendix App led to an error.
SolutionCopying a Test Suite from a Test Configuration that is linked to more than 1 Mendix App no longer leads to errors.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemWhen executing a single Test Case, the Test Case Run delay was applied to all Test Cases (both the Test Case that was triggered and any Test Cases that it depends on).
SolutionWhen executing a single Test Case, the Test Case Run delay is now only applied to the second executed Test Case and beyond.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemMoving an empty data variation set from Test Suite to Test Case level or vice versa, led to an error.
SolutionMoving an empty data variation set from Test Suite to Test Case level or vice versa, no longer leads to an error.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemUsing a non-valid Application Instance Key in any of the Execute Test API's led to a test run that was frozen in MTA.
SolutionUsing a non-valid Application Instance Key in any of the Execute Test API's will not trigger a test run.
Release actionsNone.

ProblemIt was possible to create a Retrieve teststep that Retrieves by association, and setting an association to Empty.
SolutionIt is no longer possible to create a Retrieve teststep that Retrieves by association, and setting any association to Empty.
Release actionsNone.