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Prepare for using MTA for the first time


This document describes step by step which actions need to be performed whenever MTA is going to be used for the first time.

This can be useful to prepare for a first time implementation, a deep dive, or an on-premise implementation.

1. Import the MTA Plugin module

For each Mendix App to be tested in MTA, this action needs to be performed.

Follow the steps described here to complete this action.

2. Enable microflow testing for page calls

For each Mendix App to be tested in MTA, this action needs to be performed.

Follow the steps described here to complete this action.

3. Create an API key and PAT for your Mendix account

This action needs to be performed by each Mendix developer who wishes to test their Mendix Apps in MTA.

Follow the steps described here to complete this action.


Missing anything? Let us know!

Last updated 27 march 2023