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Version: 2.7.0

Assert on Object Count


An Assert on Object count is defined on a Teststep and exists of making a comparison between the expected and actual list size of output objects of a Teststep upon test execution.


Compare typeThe type of comparison to be made: either 'Equals', 'Greater-than' / 'Greater-than or equal to' or 'Less-than' / 'Less-than or equal to'.
Expected object countThe expected value of the attribute when executing the test.

Business rules

Asserts on object count can be defined either on Retrieve Object Teststeps or on Microflow Teststeps that return a list of objects.

Actions on Assert Object Count

Add an Assert on Object Count

There are multiple ways to add an assert on Object Count:

  1. Click on the button on the Teststep where you want to add an assert, and click " Edit asserts" to open the page where asserts can be configured.
  2. After configuring the Teststep, click on "Save and configure asserts" to open the page where asserts can be configured.

After the page opens, go to the "Teststep output" tab, and click on " Assert" to add the assert.

Configure an assert on Object Count

  • Select a compare type; 'Equals', 'Greater-than' or 'Less-than'.
  • Enter an expected object count.
  • Choose "Save".

Delete an assert on Object Count

  • Open the Assert configuration page and go to the "Teststep output" tab.
  • Click on to delete the assert.


Missing anything? Let us know!

Last updated: 19 january 2023