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Version: 2.7.0

Test Configuration


A Test Configuration is an executable test script that describes which Test Suites and which Applications will be/are tested.

The Test Configuration is the highest or first level of the 4-layer framework that is used in MTA.


NameThe name of the Test Configuration.
CiCd enabledIf set to Yes, the Test Configuration will be executed if one of it is associated Test Applications is executed via Ci/Cd API.

Business rules

  • The application revision of the Test Suite must be equal to the application revision of the Test Configuration, with the same Application in order to be able to execute the Test Configuration.
  • You can pin a maximum of two Test Runs per Test Configuration.

Actions on Test Configuration

View Test Configurations

  • Navigate to the "Test configurations" page to view a list of all the Test Configurations in MTA.

Create a new Test Configuration

  • Navigate to the "Test configurations" page.
  • Add a new Test Configuration and enter a Name and optional Description.
  • Select the Applications to test.
  • Select the Revisions that you want to base your test on, for each selected Application.
  • Select the Instance where you want to execute your test, for each selected Application.

Edit a Test Configuration

  • Open or Select the Test Configuration that you want to edit.
  • Use the button to edit the Test Configuration.

Execute a Test Configuration

  • Use the Execute test configuration button on the bottom left, to start a new Test Run.
  • Choose "Coverage" to create a new Coverage Calculation after the Test Run was executed.
  • Choose "Full output" to include all data values in the Test Run results. Not enabling "Full output" will finish the Test Run sooner, but will only include data values for teststeps that are used in other teststeps in the Test Run results.
  • Choose a Test Setting (the preferred Test Setting is pre-selected).

Share a Test Configuration

You can copy the URL to open a Test Configuration directly from your browser's address bar.

  • Find the Test Configuration you want to share.
  • Use the button to open the menu.
  • Click to copy the URL to the Test Configuration to your clipboard.
  • Paste Ctrl+V the URL anywhere to share it.

Note that after using a URL to open the Test Configuration, each time you hit F5 or Ctrl+R on your browser, you will end up on the same page, until you log out.

Delete a Test Configuration

  • Select the Test Configuration that you want to delete.
  • Use the button to delete the Test Configuration.

Recover a deleted Test Configuration

  • Navigate to the "Test configurations" page.
  • Go to " Deleted".
  • Click on " Recover" on the Test Configuration you want to restore.

Note that deleted Test Configuration will automatically be deleted permanently when 20 days are passed after the moment of deletion.

Delete a Test Configuration permanently

  • Navigate to the "Test configurations" page.
  • Go to " Deleted".
  • Click on " Delete" on the Test Configuration you want to permanently delete.

Restore previous revision of Test Suites in a Test Configuration

See Snapshot.


Missing anything? Let us know!

Last updated 27 March 2024