Handle files
MTA does not (yet) allow uploading a FileDocument into your App.
This also means, that using Binary attributes is not (yet) supported.
If it is necessary to test a process that includes or requires uploading a file, it is recommended to perform these steps:
- Create (if not yet exists) an MTA extension module in the tested App.
- Add an entity that inherits from FileDocument.
- Add an attribute that can be used to uniquely identify an uploaded file.
- Build a page to upload files into this entity.
- Create a microflow with only a single (Java) Duplicate File Document action from the Community Commons module. It should look like this:
Now, it is possible to use this pattern in a Test Case, to test processes that require a file:
- Teststep that Creates an empty filedocument as used in the tested process (for example, a 'TemplateDocument' as is used in the Excel Importer).
- Persist (to ensure the object is saved to the database, otherwise the Java action won't work).
- Teststep that Retrieves the filedocument from the MTA extension module's entity.
- Microflow call to the abovementioned microflow with parameters: teststep 1 as Target, and teststep 3 as Source.
- Other logic to perform the actual test.
- Optional delete logic to clean up.
Missing anything? Let us know!
Last updated 21 august 2023