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Scrum team


This document helps implement Menditect Test Automation in your scrum team.


Appoint someone in the team to establish a policy regarding quality, define measurable goals, report on it to the PO, and explore what skills are needed on the team for test automation. Look at existing skills in the team to get an idea of what test automation opportunities exist, as existing team members have the best understanding of regression issues and the most knowledge of applications. Having testers in the team will help implementation of test automation, especially when designing process tests. Ideally, testers in the team don't focus only on functional testing, but also have the ambition to be trained in the technical field so they can perform test automation independently.


Keeping the business involved is key to success. Plan recurring meetings to report test automation results. Have the PO join these meetings, but don't let the scrum rhythm dictate the frequency of the meetings, as test automation will have it's own pace.

Get started

Starting with test automation in an existing team can be challenging. Menditect advises to start defining realistic test objectives from day one. Start with building unit tests first, move on to process testing later. Define coverage goals in MTA to stay motivated. When stuck in MTA, make sure to use the button to create a support ticket at Menditect.