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Version: 2.7.0

Coverage Goal


A Coverage Goal defines which microflows should at least be executed, when a specific collection of tests is executed. Microflows that are included in the goal, will count towards the coverage percentage in the Coverage Calculation.

To define the microflows usage in Coverage Calculation, a Coverage Goal can have one or more Exclude Filters. Microflows in the Mendix System module are always excluded from coverage calculation.

A Coverage Goal can be defined on a Test Configuration, or on an Application. When defining on a Test Configuration, create the specific collection of tests, by including Test Suites. When defining on an Application, create the specific collection of tests, by including Test Configurations.


NameThe name of the coverage goal.
Exclude FiltersThe Exclude Filters that determine the Coverage Goal.
Test SuitesDefines which Test Suites are included when calculating the Coverage Goal
(only applicable for a Coverage Goal on a Test Configuration)
Test ConfigurationsDefines which Test Configurations are included when calculating the Coverage Goal
(only applicable for a Coverage Goal on an Application)

Business rules

  • On a Coverage Goal that is defined on an Application, it is only possible to determine which microflows will be included based on the Exclude Filters, if at least 1 Test Configuration is included.
  • If no Test Configurations are included on a Coverage Goal that is defined on an Application, the Exclude Filters cannot be changed.
  • Not including any Test Suites or Test Configurations on a Coverage Goal, will always lead to a 0 % coverage percentage.
  • Defining Exclude Filters leading to 0 microflows being included in the Coverage Goal, will always lead to a 0 % coverage percentage.

Actions on a Coverage Goal


After creating an Application or Test Configuration, a default Coverage Goal is created without Exclude Filters,
including all microflows in the revision.

View Coverage Goals on an Application

  • Navigate to the "Applications" page to view all Applications that are used in MTA.
  • Select an Application by clicking on the tile.
  • Navigate to " Coverage Goals".

View Coverage Goals on a Test Configuration

  • Navigate to the "Test configurations" page to view a list of all the Test Configurations in MTA.
  • Select a Test Configuration by clicking on the tile.
  • Navigate to " Coverage Goals".

Change Included Test Configurations on a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Application.
  • Click " Edit" in the "Test configurations included for coverage calculation" element on the right side.
  • Select Test Configurations to include.
  • Save.

Change Included Test Suites on a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Test Configuration.
  • Click " Edit" in the "Test suites included for coverage calculation" element on the right side.
  • Select Test Suites to include.
  • Save.

Add a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Application or Test Configuration.
  • Click " Add" to add a Coverage Goal.
  • Select the Application if not yet pre-selected.
  • Enter a name for the Coverage Goal.
  • Save.

Edit the name of a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Application or Test Configuration.
  • Click on the Coverage Goal you want to edit.
  • Select " Edit".
  • Change the name of the Coverage Goal.
  • Save.

Calculate a Coverage Goal

To calculate a Coverage Goal and create a new Coverage Calculation, execute a Test Configuration and enable "Coverage".

Copy name of a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Application or Test Configuration.
  • Click on the Coverage Goal you want to edit.
  • Select " Copy".

Delete a Coverage Goal

  • Open the list of Coverage Goals for the Application or Test Configuration.
  • Click on the Coverage Goal you want to delete.
  • Select " Delete".
  • Confirm.


Missing anything? Let us know!

Last updated 24 June 2024